Monday, January 23, 2012

Is the phone really needed at traditional Indian ceremonies - Join the debate

You’re walking down that long aisle, gazing towards that handsome prince of yours who is waiting under the mandap to marry you – the music is playing, parents are smiling, the sun is shining and suddenly you gaze over at your wedding guests and all your friends and family are greeting you whilst taking a picture of you through their camera phone.

When your photos come back from your wedding photographer, all your guest shots include people looking down at their laps or into a phone camera instead of focussing on you - the beautiful bride and your handsome groom. People are smiling, but they're all staring at little screens texting away, putting messages on facebook and twitter or taking random pictures.

Welcome to the phone camera and social media frenzy, where, even if you've hired someone to take photos, every guest has a camera and an iPhone and they are busy writing on their wall about the whole event. They're present at your wedding, but are they really paying attention?

Be thoughtful to the bride and groom during their ceremony!

Lets face it, we have all become techno-mad but isn’t it just polite and respectful to take a few moments to be truly present at key moments? A traditional indian wedding where brides and grooms have meticulously planned a silent ceremony is an important moment when we should pay attention and just momentarily hold fire on what we do every minute of every day - play with our phones. When you discourage devices at your wedding, you encourage your guests to look up and interact with you or your family, which is why you called them!

While it is not customary to have a no camera policy at indian wedding ceremonies, we often hear our brides and grooms wish that people did — at least during the ceremony. We would love to hear from other people who think camera phones and texting during ceremonies should not be allowed. Or, do you believe that there is nothing wrong with it – send us your viewpoint by blog or Facebook.

What does the Maz of Leicester Team believe? – camera phones and social media have their place, but probably not in the middle of someone’s beautiful romantic moment that they have dreamed of and planned all their lives. Don’t spoil that Cinderella moment by jumping out like bionic man with your camera. As for texting, unless its urgent, can we not hold back on the beeps and rings for just 1 hour during the ceremony?

We would love to hear your thoughts on the subject, write to us and we will offer free portrait sitting at our new studio in Leicester.

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